Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yom Kippur Songs

Yonah was afraid to go to Ninveh
He tried to hide from Hashem

Hashem sent a fish, a VERY big fish
to swallow Yonah in one big gulp!

Yonah praid hard and Hashem told the fish
to spit Yonah out on the land

And he went to Ninveh and he warned everyone
that the city would be destroyed

Then Yonah saw how Hashem SAVED Ninveh
because the people did Teshuvah

They promise to be good And Hashem forgave them
Just like he forgives every Jew!

Byom Kippur
Byom Hatzom
Biveit Haknesset Kol Hayom
Abba, Ima, Yiladim
Kol Hayom mitpallim

Avinu Malkeinu Chanienu V'aneinu... x2

On Yom Kippur
we fast all day
In the shul we all do pray

Mom and Dad and children too
All day long we pray to you! ( to Hashem)

Avinu Malkeinu.... x2

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